Fellowship Programs

More Doctors for Rural Australia (MDRAP)

The More Doctors for Rural Australia Program (MDRAP) is a 3GA program that enables doctors who are non-vocationally registered to work in rural regions and access Medicare

The Program is part of the Stronger Rural Health Strategy. MDRAP commenced on 29 April 2019 and will be administered by Health Workforces in each state

The MDRAP supports doctors working towards joining a college Fellowship Program; doctors participating in the MDRAP must make a minimum of one application to a Fellowship Program each year

Doctors who participate in the MDRAP must complete foundation general practice training modules provided by either the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners or the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine within 6 months of commencing on the MDRAP

Doctors who participate in the MDRAP for a year must ensure at least half of the annual professional development required by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHRPA) is relevant to general practice

The MDRAP is open to doctors who are Australian citizens, permanent residents and temporary residents.

  1. Doctors with prior general practice experience;
  2. Doctors without prior general practice experience;
  3. Doctors providing locum services (some requirements will be based on prior general practice experience); or
  4. junior doctors gaining exposure to general practice

Doctors who have completed a College led general practice training program (ie the Australian General Practice Training Program, the Independent Pathway offered by ACRRM, the Remote Vocational Training Scheme or the RACGP’s Practice Experience Program) are not eligible for MDRAP.

The length of a doctor’s history of participation in other section 3GA workforce programs will be considered when assessing MDRAP applications.

Doctors who have previously been removed from a 3GA workforce program may not be eligible for the MDRAP. Doctors previously removed from a 3GA workforce program will need to supply additional documentation showing progress towards general practice fellowship.

  1. Hold current registration with the Medical Board of Australia;
  2. Have an offer of employment and have the necessary skills and experience to perform the role;
  3. provide evidence of appropriate support in place to meet supervision requirements if applicable;
  4. Take active steps to join a college pathway within the defined period; and
  5. Undertake general practice professional development activities

Doctors on the MDRAP will be able to access items from group A7 of the Medicare Benefits Schedule. These items are set at 80% of the equivalent general practice items

An initial MDRAP placement is for two years. Doctors can seek extensions for a period up to four years total in some circumstances.

Doctors who require supervision to maintain their medical registration must continue to work within the conditions set by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

Doctors without prior general practice experience or with less than six months general practice experience must:

- work under level one supervision, as defined by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) in their supervision standards for international medical graduates, for one month full time equivalent; and

- complete and lodge a “Plan for professional development and re-entry to practice” with AHPRA (as required by the AHPRA recency of practice registration standard).

The doctor must provide a copy of their supervision report to the RWAs within four weeks of completing level 1 supervision.

After the first month the supervisor will determine the appropriate level of supervision for the next twelve months based on the participant’s competency.